SpeakUp! and welcome to Villach

by 9:10 AM 0 comments
After hours, days, weeks and months of hard work, the busy bees of wEUnite were waiting in Villach for their participants from Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Italy, Lithuania, Poland and Turkey to arrive in Villach in order to start our first training course SpeakUp!

                                (Tini, Alex, Maria, Nina, Manuel, Rainer)

We are really happy that all participants found their way and were full of energy for our first workshop sessions.

Last evening and today we already built a group, who works unbelievably good and fast together. As the two trainers (Manuel and Nina) say: "This is the best group ever! It's amazing to work with them."

And the day isn't over yet - our Austrian team is preparing a presentation for the first cultural night...everyone is curious!

If you want to know how SpeakUp! will go on, follow our blog and like our page on Facebook!

wEUnite is a youth organization found in 2014. Our main aim is to organize and take part in as many youth projects and exchanges as possible to give young people the opportunity to learn for life, see the world and create social contacts and friendships throughout Europe.


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