What do I like about youth projects ?
First of all the possibility to get out of your normal living. To step out of the comfort zone is what I like most about youth projects, because this is how we can grow. Beside that as a participant you have the possibility to travel around Europe and to meet new open minded people which, at the end of a project, you can call friends.Especially the topics of the projects where I was able to participate were very interesting and I could not even learn new things, but also change my behaviors towards a better way. „Sharing is caring“ was one of the projects (unofficial) slogans which we have created and the time, stories, experiences and learnings we have shared and spread, I will never forget.
What have I experienced by taking part in YPs?
At the beginning of each project it is always very exciting to meet a LOT of new people from all over Europe. Different cultures,different looks, different opinions. What you learn really quickly is to get rid of stereotypes that have been created in our minds. I took the opportunity to get lots of background information from people and to get new views and opinions on many things(people, country, culture,…). During this process you really get to know several people very well and real friendships arise. At first you might not believe this, but maybe at the last day and for sure some days after a projects has ended, you know that you miss some people and that you want to see your new friends again. Most important: It is never a `Good Bye!`, it is always a `See ya!`. The spirit that evolves during the project within the whole group is most exciting. It is kind of hard to imagine that you just have met most of the participants some days ago. You can feel the power that is created, when all people just work together and try to create something big. And most of all, I never could have imagined that it is possible to just sleep three to six hours per night; but time passes by so fast, that you really do not want to miss a second with this wonderful people.
Why am I part of wEUnite ? / Who told me about it ?
I am part of wEUnite, because I really like the people and the idea behind this whole organization. The enthusiasm, motivation and love they spread is addictive. You immediately feel that you are part of their family and that you can easily be part of their activities within the organization, if you want so. I was kind of surprised when I first heard about wEUnite and what they offer to young people. Sarah, friend of mine, introduced me one day (I still can remember: it was 1th Mai 2015, Maifest in Praterpark, Vienna) to Tini, who is also a very good friend of her and – as I got to know later – one of the founders of wEUnite. We become good friends and after some time she asked me, if I would like to be part of a Youth Exchange in Ireland. It took me just a second to say ‚Yes‘ to this great opportunity. Since the first day, I really love the way wEUnite works and how nice and helpful all members are. I am proud to be one of them!

What do I like about youth projects?
I like getting to know young people and learning about their perspectives about different topics. Furthermore, I enjoy working together in groups and developing new and innovative ideas.
What have I experienced by taking part in YPs?
Meeting people from all over the continent made me realize how diverse Europe is, but also how much we have in common. I opened my mind about many countries and I am very eager to visit them and find out even more.
Why am I part of wEUnite? / Who told me about it?
I found out about the program accidentally on Facebook and decided to take part in it right on the spot. I am very glad I participated :)
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